Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sick weekend
Unfortunately that headline is quite literal. I had to miss Laerke's birthday party thanks to a 24 hour sickness that brought me a lot closer to my toilet.. :( HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAERKE!
Tired now. Really, really tired. I'm getting so cold all the time I need a permanent blanket suit or something, a snuggy perhaps? Pink?
My sister and mumsie are coming to visit on Friday and I can't stop thinking about it. That's all I want.
Dirrrtyyyy hair on my head.
I'm still trying to decide how I feel about babies.
Ps. Avatar was grand.
Ph: Jack Radcliffe
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lærke, Linnea and myself are going to see Avatar in 3-d In Lyngby today, haha YES! 3 hours of sheer color and 3-D magic.. hahah. It's incredibly expensive, though. I am not pleased to spend 27 dollars on a movie about animated things that sort of look like people but not really.. but what can I do?
I hope it's actually good because I have some serious doubts.. however some quality time with two very sweet little things will be fun anyway if all else fails.
P.S. Read this Beach House interview, they're so fucking boring!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Frying fish? Count me out.
Last night riding my bike home from yoga it really hit me that this is my favorite song ever. Really, of all time.
Sitting trying to finish online school. I have had so much boredom lately and yet no drive to finish things constructive. I have a bad case of exactly what everyone else has all the time! My originality is seamless.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
How's the lighting?
I really need warmth..
My sister and mother come to visit me a week from Thursday, I'm preparing my jaw for the most talking it has done in a long time in my foreign tongue.
This is an update on my camera drawing (ha, sooo much further along)
Let's not get too carried away here!
Art by Matt and Mary Emma Hawthorne found on Not Paper, a lovely collage blog.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday morning happiness.
I went to school for 40 minutes but couldn't concentrate and none of my friends were there. Now I'm sitting at home listening to do make say think and working on my senior project in PhOtOsHoP. And drinking some cough-ee. I'm actually feeling incredibly productive!
Also I hope you know I was joking about that fanz thing in the last post. Is it necessary to say that? I'm all turned around now..
It's easy to love good photographers. It's easy to hate good artists. Sylvie Malfray:
By me:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hey, I'm still alive! Long week in Norway which constituted of a bunch of different things I'll tell you about later. Just wanted to let you (all of my really involved fans out there) that I am still here! Well, here being Denmark and for a little while there Oslo then a big snowy mountain.
Right now I have a lot of things to do.
This is in Oslo.
I did, in fact, not take this picture or edit it.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Ejection Zebra
Going to Oslo in an hour. It's just me, the boys and the big lonely road for a whiiiiile. (Not really) Farvel.

Riding my bike to Norway with the gang.
Alexander McQueen killed himself in London.. woah.
Riding my bike to Norway with the gang.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Buying Old Clothes > France Ski Trip
"Spending money on old clothes bought from old women I can't hardly communicate with beats out going to France and skiing with classmates." says exchange student Hannah Buck in the early evening of one particularly fine day in Denmark.
I bought a bunch of cool shit from this used clothing store in Virum for all under 150 kr. 4 Blouses a Cardigan (in picture) some sick boots (in picture) and another pair of normal black shoes. This place was pretty spectacular and I thought this sort of thing could only be found in the land of the free. Wrong again!
Ahhh Ozlow i morgen. Fuckin' stoked as Columbus' fleet.
Nothing can make me stop listening to Odessa by Caribou right about now.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
What's the catchiest song you know?
Who is your favorite person to talk to?
Do you like the moment right before you fall asleep?
Do you listen to the radio?
Are you afraid you're going to be blind soon?
When was the last time you knew you'd always be happy?
Do you agree with this statement?:
I'll take care of you, if you ask me to.
Monday, February 8, 2010
When I'm in the club, always on the drugzz
Every time I listen to jj No 2. I can't help but giggle when ecstasy comes on.. I don't understand their interest in covering really horrible rap songs. Not really a fan but it's still really funny to hear.
Didn't do anything today besides work out and go to a rotary meeting. And also draw more while listening to Beach House. Forget how much I love Devotion and how dreadful it is that I won't be seeing them in Copenhagen in a few weeks.
Also, this drawing is coming along so slowly because I'm terrified of messing it up. This always happens to me!
Everyone at my school is going to France in 4 days and I'm not. Wish I were.. left out as everrrr.
Always tirrrred
Always borrreddd
Always sleeping too much.
Cool old criminals from the 20's:
Super fit guys.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I don't quite know what to say.
Really insane weekend. I met a lot of people which makes me feel like a million dollars in some ways. I spoke my ass of in Danish last night and also almost got raped on the dance floor once or twice. Arrhhh being the exchange student.. it's an interesting thing.
I don't feel very interesting. I need to work on online school and work more on my drawing because my portfolio is not going to make itself. Also I need to chill the fuck out!!
I miss having long hair and a nose ring:
And this, I made.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I do such stupid things. I have feathers all over my floor.

I found this "secrets" art that are secrets written down by people at a bar and turned into art that they can buy.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Vaccum dust and then it comes back, WTF
I'm really, really, really tired right now but am about to host an opvarmning (warm up party) with my favorite people before our school party tonight. Gin and tonics! Champagne! Red Whine! Mia from Pulp Fiction!
Last night I got super bummed because Beach House is sold out and I forgot to buy a ticket. That, and my host dad brutally insulted me not eating meat. Well, deerhoof is playing at the same place in 2 months and I bought the ticket yesterday, I don't care if I go alone! Check this out.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Bad News Bears
SO Turns out, last night was amazing and also really shit on wheels-like. Julie O. and I went to the venue where Real Estate was set to play at 22:00 and got there right on time. There was a line and I assumed it was just because doors hadn't opened but, in reality, there were too many people inside. A bunch of hipster butt-holes stealing my special time to see one of my favorite bands. Well, after standing outside anyway and getting the 3rd degree from a drunk german speaking worse Danish than I speak we decided to jump ship. The night turned wonderful when we got drunk in Klaptraet (a cafe), which means the clapping tree, and then took the train home around 12. We were alone in the station with a bunch of creeps and I decided it was fit to start rapping. Julie laid down the beat and I rapped the hole way home. Everyone thought we were SO WHACK but we knew better... The most spectacular drunk train ride ever. Then we slept and woke up and went to SCHOOL. And now I'm home sitting in my room with no pants on.
Tomorrow there is a school party and I can't be edie sedgwhick because I don't want to be. Therefore, you probably can guess who It's gonna be. I'll give you one hint:
I really, really love everything right now. EVEN YOU!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
YES Real Estate tonight. The excitement is BUILDING!!
Currently working on some stuff for my portfolio. I have a nice little list of schools going thanks to Jasper's mom's help ARIEL. She has been helping me pick out schools because she is an art teacher and an art/design school expert. I am blessed.
RISD (Called the ivy leave design college of the US) Rode Island
School of the art acadamy chicago
Mass Art Boston
Cranbrook Acadamy of Art, Detroit
School of Visual Arts, New York
Corcoran College of Art and Design, Washington D.C.
PNCA in Portland
And many others.. only I'm late applying so I may have to take a year off of school before starting :( I should have had my act together earlier..
This is what I'm doing while listening to beach house:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sne, sne, sne in your pants.
Looook what I found!
It's comin'.. and I'm going to purchase the shit out of it when it does!!
Also, we're having a school party on Friday where you have to dress up as someone. I'm going to attempt Edie Sedgwhick even though I don't have blonde hair and NOBODY will know who I am.
The real thing:
From Factory Girl:
Goals for the weekend:
Don't cry
Don't fall down stairs
Meet Someone New
Stay Alive
Be Alive
Monday, February 1, 2010
Shit on wheels!
I wish I were a working girl and could carry you around in my handbag.
Today I went to school through lot's of a snow and it was an A-okay day. I think I'm a lot weirder than anyone else at my school.. but then again looks can be deceiving. I love muh friends.
I'm making collages like nobodies business and they all SUCK.
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