Monday, May 24, 2010

When does this bus leave?

I know I already told you this but Panda Bear by Panda Bear is the greatest most personal album ever! And also sprit.

Going to take an english exam tomorrow and then go on a tour around europe on Wednesday for two and a half weeks. I'm really looking forward to it (suddenly, today) and hope I can find some flea markets and cheap clothes. Not that I need any more clothing to weigh me down on my trip home. I guess I'm a pretty big joke most of the time.

My sister showed me this, I really like it. Respect to you, little 8th grader.

Dear eighth grade boys:

Stop making me feel like my body is my burden. Do I, or any other girls, find you to be attractive? Helllllll no. But we don’t stare at your bodies and then whisper to our friends! We are polite! I don’t know if this is because girls are told to keep quiet, or because we are totally over bullying, but whatever! You are assholes in many more ways, but I only have 8 more days of you! Then freshman year, you will maybe be a little more like real people, but not entirely, because you’ll want to make sure everyone knows how cool you are since it’s freshman year and there are all these new people! And by people, I mean chicks! For you to be rude to while making them feel like they’re lucky to have your rudeness bestowed upon them! And for you to grab their ass, and then make them feel like that’s supposed to be a compliment! Sexual harassment/assault is totally flattering! It means you like her! But not really, because you don’t like her enough to respect her space and comfort, you just like her body! And that one time I told one of you to not grab girls’ asses, you had all your friends come up to me throughout the day to tell me how mean I was to embarrass you! Also you all have AWFUL B.O., and AXE smells like shit, and Family Guy isn’t funny, and not showering isn’t a way to make a political statement, and FUUUUUUUU

/end rant

At the beginning of the year.

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