Sunday, November 16, 2008


Oh, I'm new! Since blogging seems to run/take over so many kids lives these days, I figured I may as well jump on the band wagon. In my case, the preferable fashion band-wagon. It took me around an hour today to put on my clothing and I've been getting so frustrated! I have a habit of never wearing my favorite pieces of clothing because I'm "saving them" for the perfect event. That event never comes, they collect dust. I need to kick that. I'm going to Europe next year to live on exchange for around 10-12 months maybe I'll become more well-equipped fashion wise there. They seem to be pretty trendy chaps! I'll leave you with a cute little 17 year old girl from Helsinki thanks to since I don't like taking pictures of myself.. yet? I love that sweater as well as when people wear all black and gray and don't look sick or boring. Thank you girl.

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