Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bad News Bears

SO Turns out, last night was amazing and also really shit on wheels-like. Julie O. and I went to the venue where Real Estate was set to play at 22:00 and got there right on time. There was a line and I assumed it was just because doors hadn't opened but, in reality, there were too many people inside. A bunch of hipster butt-holes stealing my special time to see one of my favorite bands. Well, after standing outside anyway and getting the 3rd degree from a drunk german speaking worse Danish than I speak we decided to jump ship. The night turned wonderful when we got drunk in Klaptraet (a cafe), which means the clapping tree, and then took the train home around 12. We were alone in the station with a bunch of creeps and I decided it was fit to start rapping. Julie laid down the beat and I rapped the hole way home. Everyone thought we were SO WHACK but we knew better... The most spectacular drunk train ride ever. Then we slept and woke up and went to SCHOOL. And now I'm home sitting in my room with no pants on.

Tomorrow there is a school party and I can't be edie sedgwhick because I don't want to be. Therefore, you probably can guess who It's gonna be. I'll give you one hint:

I really, really love everything right now. EVEN YOU!!!

1 comment:

Grace Latter said...

Drunken nights are the best - especially when there's rapping involved :)
