Wednesday, February 3, 2010


YES Real Estate tonight. The excitement is BUILDING!!

Currently working on some stuff for my portfolio. I have a nice little list of schools going thanks to Jasper's mom's help ARIEL. She has been helping me pick out schools because she is an art teacher and an art/design school expert. I am blessed.

RISD (Called the ivy leave design college of the US) Rode Island
School of the art acadamy chicago
Mass Art Boston
Cranbrook Acadamy of Art, Detroit
School of Visual Arts, New York
Corcoran College of Art and Design, Washington D.C.
PNCA in Portland

And many others.. only I'm late applying so I may have to take a year off of school before starting :( I should have had my act together earlier..

This is what I'm doing while listening to beach house:

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